
Wizard School

Created by DFTBA Games

A cooperative card game for 2-5 players, where you, the wizards, fight monsters, take tests, and hopefully graduate from Wizard School.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Moving Right Along
about 7 years ago – Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 08:44:41 PM

Hi Everyone!

So by now, EVERYONE who backed us should have a copy of Wizard School. Even with international delays they should have arrived by now. That means if you don't have one, we need to make sure you get one ASAP.

To make this happen, we've added a new member to the Wizard School team. Meg is that wonderful new addition and going to make sure everyone gets their rewards. Additionally she is going to be the person to go to in order to update addresses, fix problems regarding damaged or mispacked games (sadly some games seem to have a card missing here or there), and generally the person to send any question you might have!

You can reach Meg at [email protected]

I also wanted to send you an update on the remaining rewards. As you know we sent the games to you right when they arrived, as we didn't want to keep you waiting any longer to get started at Wizard School. We are now finishing up the expansion and hopefully will have that printed and to you in the spring. We have our fingers crossed that we worked out all the kinks in manufacturing so we won't have the same delays there! Along with your expansion you will be getting any other remaining rewards in the same package.

Along these same lines, we are testing a solution for our international backers to avoid having to pay fees, but we are confident that it won't be a problem. We'll make sure you're taken care of!

Finally, we had a great kick off for the game at Nerdcon: Nerdfighteria! We had people playing and learning Wizard School all weekend and we completely sold out at the show in the first 2 hours. Thank you so much to everyone for the support!!

Thank you,

The Wizard School Team

How to Play Wizard School (The Video)
over 7 years ago – Wed, Feb 01, 2017 at 10:24:53 PM

I DID IT! If you have questions, please leave them in the comments of the video so we can keep them all in one spot (also, it's easier to reply on YouTube than on KS).


This Video is Almost Done
over 7 years ago – Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 11:39:50 PM

Reasons this has taken longer than expected include:

  • I got distracted by things I disagree with that my country is doing.
  • I want to make sure it's easy to understand and accurate, so the proofing process took longer than normal.
  • I want to make sure that it is entertaining and well-shot, so the editing and shooting process also took longer than normal. 
  • I also got distracted by my 3-month old baby, who is cute.

I am shooting some corrections and fill shots right now and hope to have it online tonight or early tomorrow. However, today is my last time before Thursday when I'll have time to edit, so my outside deadline is Thursday night. 

Misprints - Deliveries - and Customs
over 7 years ago – Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 11:07:40 PM

The first copies of Wizard School have arrived and I've even seen reports that some have made their way to Australia and New Zealand! So it's really happening! I've started to see some pictures of people playing which is SO DANG REWARDING HOORAY!

I'm working on a video right now to explain the rules more quickly than the rule book can. The old one that's up on my channel isn't 100% accurate (though it is pretty close (tests and grading are different, and there are a couple of additional actions)). The new video should help with learning the game faster as it does have some unfamiliar mechanics. It shouldn't be too hard to learn the initial rules, but it is not an easy game to win if you play a four year Freshman to Senior year game on your first try. There's a lot of resource management that goes into it, which is part of why I like the game. It's designed to let you make it harder as you get better.

But also...there's this thing...

Yeah, so that's a misprint in the booklet. It says something about tokens...there are no tokens. Also, there are more pawns than we said. And you get a die. The die is there because sometimes you need to flip a coin and you can do odds/evens on a D6 if you don't have one around. Tokens AREN'T A THING. That was from an old version of the rules and we are idiots.


And lastly, to reiterate, for people who are getting two shipments from us because we didn't have the expansion pack ready and we wanted to get you the game ASAP, we will have a system to take care of any duplicate customs payments for you because, obviously, that is our fault not yours.

Thank you all for your support of this Kickstarter. I hate that it took us so long and I'm very sorry we didn't keep you as informed as we could have, but I'm very glad the game is arriving now. If you haven't gotten yours yet, delivery times do vary, but they're all out of the warehouse and on the way now. 

As for the expansion and the care package...I have learned not to give estimates because apparently they're always wrong. So I will just say, we're actively working on it!

Happy gaming!


over 7 years ago – Wed, Jan 04, 2017 at 11:28:25 PM

I just got back from the warehouse where they've been shipping out Wizard Schools for a few days now! When I was there, the majority of the packages were headed for New Zealand so...WHAT'S UP NEW ZEALAND!!

While I was there I also signed all of the special edition Monster Boxes for folks who got those. GDANG those things look cool!

 So glad these are finally headed into the real world! They will see you soon!